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Sarah and Dodger

Sarah an her son's dog, Dodger.

About Sarah

Sarah graduated from Winona State University in Winona, MN with a degree in Marketing and Communications. She enjoyed working in her field for a few years and then left the workforce to care for her three children full time. When the children were in school she worked as a freelance writer and columnist for the Austin Post Bulliten. Her column, "From My House to Yours," was published for nine years.


Soon after her ALS diagnosis in 2019, Sarah began to write her column, "Choosing Joy," for the Austin Daily Herald. 


Sarah continues to educate others about ALS and compassionate care through her work with Mayo Clinic's Storytelling education program. 


She continues to help inspire others to choose to live joyfully.


Sarah and her husband Todd have three grown children. They live in Austin, MN.

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